YPRC Riverkeeper Sweep

River: Hudson River

Contact Email: michaeljosephmchugh@gmail.com

Contact Phone: (914) 391-4278

Event Date | Time: 05/04/2024 | 12:00 pm to 03:00 pm

The Yonkers Paddling and Rowing Club is hosting a clean-up event on May 4th as part of the Riverkeeper Sweep day of service. We’ll be cleaning up the shoreline of the Hudson River along the Downtown Yonkers waterfront. At last year’s Sweep clean-up we took over 60 bags of garbage and recycling off of the shoreline. Sign-up info is on Eventbrite— https://www.eventbrite.com/e/westchester-yonkers-yonkers-waterfront-cleanup-registration-869515503277?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

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