Flood Control Barrier – Rescheduled
River: Putah Creek
Contact Email: eruvalcaba@hvlcsd.org
Contact Phone: (707) 987-9201
Event Date | Time: | 10:30 am to 01:30 pm
The purpose of this clean up is to promote information to the community of Hidden Valley Lake (HVL) about the importance of cleaning and maintaining the flood control barrier. The Flood Control Barrier helps prevent flood water from reaching nearby houses and to then be diverted into Putah Creek, which is one of the major creeks in Hidden Valley Lake, CA. This cleanup coincides with maintenance on Putah Creek, that way there is no debris that can flow in during the rain season. Meeting location will take place at Hidden Valley Community Services District, the water utility company who provides and maintains the water distribution for HVL. Address is 19400 Hartmann Road, Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467. Water and Snacks will be provided.