Trump Administration Moves to Delay Implementation of Clean Water Rule

January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018

Contact: Amy Kober, 503-708-1145

Washington –The Trump Administration today formally delayed implementation of the Clean Water Rule, the latest in a series of judicial and administrative maneuvers that strip protection from small streams and wetlands and put the drinking water sources for one in three Americans in jeopardy.

“By delaying the Clean Water Rule, the Trump administration is making clear that it has no intention of protecting our rivers, wetlands and clean water,” said Bob Irvin, President of American Rivers. “Without the Clean Water Rule’s critical protections, innumerable small streams and wetlands that are essential for drinking water supplies, flood protection, and fish and wildlife habitat will be vulnerable to unregulated pollution, dredging and filling.”

“This action is unwise, harms the public, and violates the law. We will challenge the administration in court and look forward to defending clean water for families and communities,” Irvin said.

Across the country, small streams and wetlands protected by the Clean Water Rule contribute to the drinking water supplies of 117 million Americans, and provide tremendous economic benefits by reducing flooding and pollution, recharging groundwater, and providing wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities.

“Healthy rivers and streams are vital to our communities and economy, and the health of millions of Americans. President Trump and EPA Administrator Pruitt want to throw away carefully crafted safeguards that were based on strong economic arguments, sound science and broad public support, Irvin said. “We won’t let that go unchallenged.”


American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged rivers and conserves clean water for people and nature. Since 1973, American Rivers has protected and restored more than 150,000 miles of rivers through advocacy efforts, on-the-ground projects and an annual America’s Most Endangered Rivers® campaign. Headquartered in Washington, DC, American Rivers has offices across the country and more than 275,000 members, supporters and volunteers.

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